Configuring PyCharm as an Arduino IDE

January 13, 2019

This will be a simple tutorial post, showing how I got my IDE setup to be a suitable replacement for the default Arduino IDE. If you’re working on a project where your Python code will be interacting with an Arduino, you may want the Arduino sketch Built + Uploaded before you run your main code. You will also probably want to change your Arduino code without having to open another editor/IDE. This tutorial will cover all these concerns.

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Discord Social Graph

December 18, 2018

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Generate links to your other blog posts automatically using Jekyll/Liquid

July 19, 2018

Since I’ve been getting some traffic to my github-pages blog via Reddit and LinkedIn, I thought it would be a good idea to start looking at the Google Analytics page. I didn’t really know why I was signing up for Analytics when I first started this blog, but I guess I thought it was cool to be tied in to such a comprehensive metrics system. However, using the system in a somewhat-serious fashion now, I was exposed to the concept of “bounce rate”, which gave a name to a phenomenon I was familiar with. Essentially, bounce rate is what % of users view only 1 page on your site, then leave (i.e. bounce1). It sounded like a gross marketing term, and I, as a noble programmer, wanted no part of it. But it dawned on me that there was no point in me writing these articles if nobody would ultimately be exposed to them.

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